To help gain a picture of how Web site design may cost, we have created several packages that cover the most requested area, and the price for a solution that is right you need to put together based on interviews and your needs.See
Some information about us >>
- Up to 10 HTML pages
- A photo gallery (up to 50 photos)
- Contact form
- Module for News
- Links to social networks
- Interactive map with 3 positions
- CMS (maintenance by the customer)
- SEO optimization
- Monitoring and analysis of visits on a monthly basis?
- 30% discount for renting servers and domain name registration in the first year of operation
Buy now online
- 3 proposed design solutions to choose from
- up to 20 HTML pages
- Slideshow on the front page (ability to edit and links to gallery)
- Catalog with a maximum of 20 product (specific description of the product with features and pictures)
- 5 picture galleries
- Contact form
- News module with archive
- Links to social networks
- Order products directly from site
- Making a maximum of two specific forms (see examples)
- Interactive map with 10 positions (point of sales)
- CMS (maintenance by the customer)
- SEO optimization
- Monitoring and analysis of visits on a weekly basis
- 50% discount for renting server and domain name registration in the first year of operation
Buy now online
- Original design (choice of three proposed solutions)
- Unlimited number of HTML pages
- Image slider on the front page
- Catalog with unlimited products (specific description of the product with features and photo gallery)
- Products can be sorted by categories and sub-categories
- Unlimited number of galleries (up to 50 photos per gallery)
- Contact form
- News module with archive
- Links to social networks
- Order products directly from web site
- Production of up to 5 specific forms
- Interactive map (unlimited number of positions)
- CMS (maintenance by the customer)
- SEO optimization
- Monitoring and analysis of visits on a weekly basis
- Free website hosting and domain registration (first year)
Buy now online
Apart from standard packages, we can offer you:
- Development of specific modules (upload / download files, events (events related to the date or period), surveys, ...)
- Web application (database)
- Maintenance of website
- SEO optimization
- Extension of the support package for multiple languages
- Work with banners and ads on a presentation
- Advertising on social networks (facebook, google)
- Advise on marketing activities in order to increase traffic and revenue
- PSD2HTML (conversion of your designs into HTML / CSS / JS code and prepare a template)
Onlne shop - online store:
- In addition to standard web site can offer you and making online shops. See the standard offer for creating websites.
Method of payment:
- In most cases means the advance payment of 50% of the basic price
- The possibility of making a presentation to lending more installments (especially for young entrepreneurs and newly registered company)
- There is the option of paying on a monthly basis (12 or 24 months)
The deadline for making
- Limit depends on the client's requirements and ranges on average from 5 to 20 working days
Useful links:
PSD-2-HTML conversion examples
Few examples of STARTER Web presentations: Alta, Obi, Seven Palms, Medina Plus, Sato, Meteor Still
Few examples of GOLD Web presentations: Nikolic viljuškari, Technosector, Rent Apartments, Sena
Few examples of ULTRA Web presentations: ThetaHealing, Lever-Reizen, WebMarket, Biznis24, Blažeks, Dijagnostika vozila, Villager, Alfa Romeo klub, Gde si u KG, Politek, Složi Kuću
Contact us for more information.
Android aplikacija Prague&Me je online
Posle malo dužeg razvoja GOOGLE je odobrio aplikaciju Prague&Me i možete je skinuti i probati sa adrese: Prague&Me at Google Play
iOS aplikacija Prague&Me je online
Posle malo dužeg razvoja APPLE je odobrio aplikaciju Prague&Me i možete je skinuti i probati sa adrese: iTunes Prague&Me
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